课程 Courses


感谢大家对SPS体系的认可和厚爱!SPS(Spiral Stabilization),为了规范中国SPS教学体系市场,给大家带来更科学严谨的SPS技术,就以下事宜在此声明:

  1. SPS(Spiral Stabilization)为脊柱螺旋稳定全球唯一品牌,仅此一个品牌。






To my dear friends in China:

Thank you for your recognition and love of the SPS! In order to regulate the Chinese SPS (Spiral Stabilization) teaching system market, hereby declares on the following matters:

  1. SPS (Spiral Stabilization) is the only brand in the world for spiral stabilization。

    The authorized official training platform in China has been announced to allow offline training courses (including 2-8 level courses)

    There are only three qualified lecturers in the world for advanced training courses in China (level two and above): founder Dr. Richard Smisek, Smiskova Zuzana, Smiskova Katerina. 

    Lecturers published on the official website have the right to offer first-level SPS courses.

    For any advanced courses above the second level, only students with an official SPS first-level certificate or certification from our certified instructors are accepted.


Spiral muscle chain training


SPS method courses – spiral stabilization of the spine

Muscle chains



Training 训练



Wellness, fitness 健康 匀称

 Laws of nature: sensorimotor stimulation, reciprocal inhibition, movement patterns, spiral stabilization

             自然规律: 刺激感觉运动 交互抑制 运动模式 螺旋稳定

sport 运动

teaching blocks of 15 x 4 days (4 x 8 teaching hours)



  1. Course – 4 days (or 2x2 days 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D)

课程1:4天(或2*2天 1A 1B 1C 1D)
Introduction to the SPS method


Product: condition, prevention, regeneration, wellness for the spine, joints, entire muscle system, brain

结果:状况 预防 重生 让脊柱 关节整个肌肉系统 脑部 健康

Theory: principles of the SPS method - body axis, muscle balance, range of motion to extension, spiral stabilization

理论:SPS的原理—体轴 肌肉平衡 延展的活动范围 螺旋稳定

Muscle chains: TR - trapezius, LD- latissimus dorsi, ES -erector spine, IP – iliopsoas

肌肉链:斜方肌 背阔肌 竖脊肌 髂腰肌

Examination: examination of the muscles at rest and in motion


Exercise program: 11 basic exercises in sitting, standing, arch and one-leg positions, correction of exercises, individual and group exercising

运动课程:坐姿 站姿 弓 和单腿的个基础练习。纠正动作 私教和团体练习

MT: basic massage and manual techniques, 4 shoulder girdle and 5 pelvic girdle – regeneration, prevention

手法理疗:基础按摩和手法方式,4个肩带 和 5个盆带的重生和预防

              *** SPS trainer 1. Level (32 teaching hours)



  1. Course – 4 days (or 2x2 days 2A, 2B)

课程2— 4天
Lumbar, thoracic and cervical spine

腰椎 胸椎 和 颈椎

  Product: Treatment and prevention of the spine disorders using the SPS method 


Theory: causes of prolapse of the intervertebral discs, spondylosis, spondylarthrosis, spinal stenosis,

理论:椎间盘滑脱 椎关节强硬 脊柱关节病 脊柱狭窄的病因

Examination of the locomotor apparatus: muscle balance, muscle collaboration – muscle chain activity

测量运动器官:肌肉平衡 肌肉协调—肌肉链活动

Exercise programme: development of exercise programmes in different stages of therapy, modification

 for patient facilities, individual and group therapy, rehabilitation sport - 50 exercises

运动课程:发展不同时期的运动理疗 改善患者的设备 私教和团体课 50个康复动作

MT: manual therapy in an acute, subacute and chronic state

手法理疗:在急性 亚急性 和 慢性时期的手法理疗

****** SPS trainer  2. Level (64 teaching hours)


  1. Course – 4 days (or 2x2 days 3A, 3B)


Upper and lower extremities


3A – Upper limb – examination and treatment using the SPS method 

Carpal tunnel, epicondylitis radialis, ulnaris, painful shoulder syndrome – cervicobrachial  syndrome 

3A- 上肢-用SPS方法检测和治疗 腕管综合征 桡上髁炎 尺上髁炎 肩综合征-颈臂综合征
3B – Lower limb – examination and treatment using the SPS method

Flat feet, bunion, hammer toes, calcar calcanei, gonarthrosis, coxarthrosis

3B-下肢- 用SPS方法检测和治疗 扁平足 拇囊炎 锤状趾 膝关节病 髋关节病

Gait: coordination, stabilization



  1. Course– 4 days (or 2x2 days 4A, 4B)

Muscle chains




Function - Spiral muscle chains, vertical muscle chains    

功能-螺旋肌肉链 垂直肌肉链



Application for treatment, condition and regeneration, sport



  1. Course – 4 days (or 2x2 days 5A, 5B)
    – treatment and prevention using the SPS method
  2. Growth period 4-18 years old - possibility of complete compensation of the curve.

        Period following growth (up to 25 years old) – possibility of compensation of muscle imbalancecaused by corset therapy

5B. Middle age – development of degeneration –  disc herniation, spondylosis, spondylarthrosis

       Older age – spinal stenosis, organ disorders heart, lungs - cor kyphoscolioticum


  1. Course – 4 days (or 2x2 days 6A, 6B+C)
     5C. Urogenital system – functional sterility, chronic inflammations, impotence, incontinence

Training and manual therapy

Spine gymnastics, cardiovascular training, pelvic exercising program

************SPS Therapist (192 teaching hours)



  1. Course – 4 days (or 2x2 days 7A, 7B)
    Sport – training using the SPS method Condition, improving performance, compensation, prevention of overloading and injuries

Regeneration of the spine, joints, muscle system

Improvement of the brain and muscle reaction

Advanced exercises sport program: fast, power, stretching in reciprocal inhibition

Running, Bodybuilding


  1. Course – 4 days (or 2x2 days 8A, 8B)
    SPS Method teacher, level 1 and 2 – prevention, treatment using the SPS method Revision and perfection of the exercises, manual therapy, principles,

Advanced Muscle chains anatomy

*************** SPS Teacher 1. Level (256 teaching hours)

Teaching methodology for course 1-7


*************** SPS Teacher 2. Level (640 teaching hours)

Teaching methodology for course 1-7


  1. Course – 4 days (or 2x2 days 12A, 12B)

X-ray, MR, and CT diagnostics for therapy in the SPS method
