Spiral muscle chain training
SPS method courses – spiral stabilization of the spine
Muscle chains
Training 训练
Wellness, fitness 健康 匀称
Laws of nature: sensorimotor stimulation, reciprocal inhibition, movement patterns, spiral stabilization
自然规律: 刺激感觉运动 交互抑制 运动模式 螺旋稳定
sport 运动
teaching blocks of 15 x 4 days (4 x 8 teaching hours)
课程1:4天(或2*2天 1A 1B 1C 1D)
Introduction to the SPS method
Product: condition, prevention, regeneration, wellness for the spine, joints, entire muscle system, brain
结果:状况 预防 重生 让脊柱 关节整个肌肉系统 脑部 健康
Theory: principles of the SPS method - body axis, muscle balance, range of motion to extension, spiral stabilization
理论:SPS的原理—体轴 肌肉平衡 延展的活动范围 螺旋稳定
Muscle chains: TR - trapezius, LD- latissimus dorsi, ES -erector spine, IP – iliopsoas
肌肉链:斜方肌 背阔肌 竖脊肌 髂腰肌
Examination: examination of the muscles at rest and in motion
Exercise program: 11 basic exercises in sitting, standing, arch and one-leg positions, correction of exercises, individual and group exercising
运动课程:坐姿 站姿 弓 和单腿的个基础练习。纠正动作 私教和团体练习
MT: basic massage and manual techniques, 4 shoulder girdle and 5 pelvic girdle – regeneration, prevention
手法理疗:基础按摩和手法方式,4个肩带 和 5个盆带的重生和预防
*** SPS trainer 1. Level (32 teaching hours)
课程2— 4天
Lumbar, thoracic and cervical spine
腰椎 胸椎 和 颈椎
Product: Treatment and prevention of the spine disorders using the SPS method
Theory: causes of prolapse of the intervertebral discs, spondylosis, spondylarthrosis, spinal stenosis,
理论:椎间盘滑脱 椎关节强硬 脊柱关节病 脊柱狭窄的病因
Examination of the locomotor apparatus: muscle balance, muscle collaboration – muscle chain activity
测量运动器官:肌肉平衡 肌肉协调—肌肉链活动
Exercise programme: development of exercise programmes in different stages of therapy, modification
for patient facilities, individual and group therapy, rehabilitation sport - 50 exercises
运动课程:发展不同时期的运动理疗 改善患者的设备 私教和团体课 50个康复动作
MT: manual therapy in an acute, subacute and chronic state
手法理疗:在急性 亚急性 和 慢性时期的手法理疗
****** SPS trainer 2. Level (64 teaching hours)
Upper and lower extremities
3A – Upper limb – examination and treatment using the SPS method
Carpal tunnel, epicondylitis radialis, ulnaris, painful shoulder syndrome – cervicobrachial syndrome
3A- 上肢-用SPS方法检测和治疗 腕管综合征 桡上髁炎 尺上髁炎 肩综合征-颈臂综合征
3B – Lower limb – examination and treatment using the SPS method
Flat feet, bunion, hammer toes, calcar calcanei, gonarthrosis, coxarthrosis
3B-下肢- 用SPS方法检测和治疗 扁平足 拇囊炎 锤状趾 膝关节病 髋关节病
Gait: coordination, stabilization
Muscle chains
Function - Spiral muscle chains, vertical muscle chains
功能-螺旋肌肉链 垂直肌肉链
Application for treatment, condition and regeneration, sport
Period following growth (up to 25 years old) – possibility of compensation of muscle imbalancecaused by corset therapy
5B. Middle age – development of degeneration – disc herniation, spondylosis, spondylarthrosis
Older age – spinal stenosis, organ disorders heart, lungs - cor kyphoscolioticum
Training and manual therapy
Spine gymnastics, cardiovascular training, pelvic exercising program
************SPS Therapist (192 teaching hours)
Regeneration of the spine, joints, muscle system
Improvement of the brain and muscle reaction
Advanced exercises sport program: fast, power, stretching in reciprocal inhibition
Running, Bodybuilding
Advanced Muscle chains anatomy
*************** SPS Teacher 1. Level (256 teaching hours)
Teaching methodology for course 1-7
*************** SPS Teacher 2. Level (640 teaching hours)
Teaching methodology for course 1-7
X-ray, MR, and CT diagnostics for therapy in the SPS method